
Planned Giving

A forever kind of gift for a forever kind of School.

Planned giving is deciding in advance what happens to your estate.
Whether it is through a will bequest, life insurance, securities and investments, real estate or memorial donations, a ‘well planned’ gift to KES guarantees your legacy makes a statement about the things that are important to you while ensuring your family and estate also receives the benefits of your generosity. A planned gift is something everyone can consider regardless of your age and financial situation.
The ultimate goal of planned giving is to secure the School's long term financial foundation while providing you a flexible and advantageous way to demonstrate your passion for the School.
Listen to the words of alumnus, Michal Racek, to learn what a King's-Edgehill School education means to him.

The Benefits of Planned Giving

  • Tax advantages for you (and your beneficiaries)
  • Potential to maximize your income
  • A donation option that is uncomplicated
  • The ability to leave a larger donation to the School than you may have thought possible
  • The opportunity to leave your mark on the School long term with little or no financial obligation during your lifetime
  • A meaningful way to affirm the value you place on a KES education by creating an opportunity to pass on the experience to future students 

1788 Fideliter Society

This special society will honour those who have made provisions for a future gift to King’s-Edgehill School through a bequest, life insurance policy, annuity, a donation of stocks/securities, a donation of RRSPs/RRIFs/TFSAs or through another trust arrangement. There are no dues of obligations, but as a member of the 1788 Fideliter Society, you will be our guest at an annual recognition event and your name will be listed with other Society members in the KES report, the Alumni magazine, and on the KES website.

1788 Fideliter Society Members

Betty Brooks • Marguerite Burns • Sarah M. Campbell • Lynne Carter • George Cooper • Dwayne and Sarah Crawford • Lady Ann Day • Richard DeMont • Bob and Mary-Anne Fraser • Taylor Freeman • Alexander Hood • Trevor Hughes • Fred Hyndman • Alex and Tannis Jurgens • John Kernaghan • Bob Morrison and Marg Vloet-Morrison • Richard Oland • Riley Otto • Guy Payne-Staff gift • Roy Proctor • James Publicover and Janet Mitchell • Orville Pulsifer • Marion Riehl • George Rogers, Jr. • Irene Rigold • Daniel Roukema • Marg Rowan • Larry and Kimberley Short • Gary and Jane Smith • Chris and Heather Strickey • Julia Strickey • Penny Taylor • Elizabeth (Betty) Zedren

Italics indicate deceased members. 
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.