The healthcare staff at KES are very well trained and have many years of combined experience.
This allows us to anticipate many of the year's activities and have a sound understanding of the needs of the students. We work 7:30 am-7:30 pm five days a week with 24-hour call, and our office is located in Richardson Hall, which also includes two four-bed infirmaries.
If students are ill, they are expected to come see us and we will decide if it is necessary for them to be admitted. For students who spend the night in the Infirmary, the houseparent in Richardson Hall will be available and will contact us should the need arise. When appropriate, we will dispense over-the-counter preparations such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, cold/allergy preparations, antacids, antidiarrheal and anti-nausea medications. We do not dispense any over-the-counter sleep preparations or similar sleep medications. A record is kept of all medications given to students. This allows us to monitor use. Any medication, prescriptions, or medical supplies dispensed to a student will be billed on his/her monthly bill. If your child takes medication on a daily basis, it is imperative that you inform us upon arrival at the School. For the safety of the student population, it is expected that most medications will be kept in our office. Students are not permitted to keep any medication in their room unless approved by the nurses.
Please do not send your son/daughter to School with a plethora of remedies. If they require medication, the School physician will assess and advise what the appropriate treatment should be. It is not safe to keep medications in students' rooms and should they require anything, we can provide it from our office.