We recommend that you consult your lawyer to discuss how easy it is to include or add KES to your will. If you require assistance finding an advisor, the Advancement and Alumni team at KES would be happy to connect you with an expert in the field.
An understanding of tax laws and how they relate to different asset categories makes it possible to allocate funds to provide for your family, reduce your tax burden through a charitable donation and leave room for a meaningful gift to KES at relatively little cost. After providing for the well-being of your family and loved ones, you can then bequeath an amount or percentage of your assets to KES. Speak to your advisor to determine which type of planned gift is right for you.
Typically there are a number of momentous events which signal that it is time to organize your estate or will. Examples of these events are changes in marital status, birth of children, starting a business or buying a home. Any time you create or make changes to an existing Will, this is the perfect time to consider leaving a planned gift to KES.
Donors often specify their gift be used for a particular area or purpose of the School. Our top priority is to honour these requests assuming the purpose is in line with the School’s overall mission. If you wish to do designate your gift, please contact us for assistance with bequest language.
Friends of Independent Schools and Better Education (FRISBE), is a U.S. non-profit organization that facilitates gifts to KES from U.S. alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends. If you would like to receive an IRS tax receipt for your contribution to KES or if you reside in a country outside of North America and are interested in making a gift to the School, please contact our Advancement and Alumni team for more information.
Speak to your lawyer, estate planner or financial advisor and bring along the sample bequest language provided. Also, feel free to call the Advancement and Alumni team and we will help you get answers to your questions.
Yes. At KES, we would appreciate knowing in advance of your planned gift so that we can recognize your generosity and discuss your wishes for how your donation will be used in the future.