No. The admission decision is entirely separate and distinct from the financial aid process. A student's acceptance to the school is based solely on merit without regard to the need for financial aid.
All King’s-Edgehill School students are expected to demonstrate diligence in their academic subjects, maintain high citizenship standards, and contribute positively to the school community. Financial aid awards are reviewed annually on the basis of the family’s current financial status. Families are expected to complete a financial aid application each year. Typically, if your financial status has not changed, your grant will remain the same.
Many educators think the impact and value of primary and secondary education on not only the intellect but also the character of a young person exceed that of a college education and are more enduring. Our hope is that students will emerge from King’s-Edgehill School with greater university choices as well as maturity and motivation to take full advantage of what post-secondary education has to offer. Universities attended by King’s-Edgehill School graduates typically have extraordinarily strong financial aid programs to assist families in financing their child's education. The King’s-Edgehill School university counselling office is able to provide guidance in that process.