
Oh, What a Night!

On Wednesday, June 5, a special banquet to honour our Grade 9 class of 2027 took place. It was a wonderful evening of friendship, achievement, and celebration as parents, Grade 9 students, and faculty shared memories of the Junior School years. A retrospective video, featuring some very cute baby photos and current shots of our students enjoying KES life, captured the journey of our 60 students. A few words personally profiling each graduate, written and delivered by Mr. Kevin Lakes, creatively highlighted the contributions of each Grade 9 student. Commemorative Junior School graduate pins were presented, and our Head of School, Mr. Joe Seagram, conferred 26 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Awards upon the worthy recipients in the Grade 9 class. After a group photo was taken, Ezra Sasaki '26 bagpiped the procession from the Honourable A. Gordon Cooper Library to the Margaret Vair McLellan Concert Hall. Parents, grandparents, teachers, and guests were waiting outside to welcome the Junior School graduates. Kelsea Griffiths '27 said a special grace to begin the banquet, and Harvey Hadley '27 gave a moving valedictory address highlighting shared memories, gratitude, and friendship among the Junior School graduates. The evening concluded with an amazing performance of “For Good” from the musical Wicked by Laura Oulton '27 and Bristol Quinn '27 with a piano accompaniment by Andrew Klein '27. Their performance highlighted the deep-rooted friendships and meaningful connections in the Grade 9 class. It was the perfect ending to a wonderful celebration. Special thanks are extended to all who made the evening such a success. 
This year’s banquet was particularly memorable for me as it was my last before my upcoming retirement. Kevin Lakes’ final grad profile of me was touching, and the standing ovation reinforced the wonderful support I have felt from the parents, students, and colleagues in this community during my 41-year career. This Grade 9 class will always hold a special place in my heart.
You can view the retrospective Grade 9 Class of '27 video here.          

Taya Shields
Junior School Director

King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.