
Way to Go, KES Mathletes!

Grade 7 and 8 students recently took part in the University of Waterloo Gauss Mathematics Competition. This is the last contest in a series of year-long challenging Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC) mathematics competitions for students from Grade 7 to Grade 12. Everyone benefits from taking part in these contests as the varying difficulty of the problems ensures there is something for everyone. The most difficult section (Part C) is guaranteed to push mathematical boundaries and promote creative problem-solving approaches. This year’s noteworthy results reflected excellent mathematical thinking. Congratulations go out to Nathan Woo ‘28 who achieved the highest mark on the 2024 Grade 8 Gauss Contest (23/25!) and to Altyn Hood ‘29 who earned the highest result on the Grade 7 contest in our School (22/25!) The overall results were excellent, and I congratulate the following students who scored in the top 25% of participants:

Grade 7: Altyn Hood ‘29 (first), Willoughby Larder ’29 (second), Matipa Simbanegavi ‘29 (third), Bethany MacDougall ‘29, Ruari Ryan ‘29, Chelsea James ’29, and Sebastian Siu-Porter ‘29.

Grade 8: Nathan Woo ‘28 (first), Fletcher Wellard ‘28 (second), Maggie Wellard ‘28 (third), Kentaro Utsunomiya ‘28, Meghan Yarnell ‘28, Duncan Grant ‘28, Tracy Dong ’28, Isabelle Sampson ’28, and Emery Endres ’28.

Absent from the contest were Grade 7 students Evie Lloyd ’29 and Shylah Parsons ‘29. It has been a great year of mathematical growth for our students, from our Dalhousie University Math Circles events to our Problem of the Week challenges, I commend all students for their interest and participation in all things mathematical!

Taya Shields
Junior School Director

King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.