In March we are very fortunate to enjoy a nice long reading break at the beginning of spring. I hope everyone reading this article will open a book and read something new over the break. Read on the plane to your destination or make reading your destination.
This month’s book of the month reflects the hope of new beginnings in a format that we have not yet explored: the novel-in-verse. Something Like Home by Andrea Beatriz Arango looks like a sweet little novel about a girl and a puppy, but we know to avoid judging books this way. And don’t worry, I won’t give any spoilers, we know all of this at the beginning! The story is a complex exploration of a young girl's awareness of her parents' addictions. She enjoys her life with them and works alongside them in their food truck business. When she finds them unresponsive, she calls 911, and everything in her life changes. After the call, Laura’s parents have to complete a rehab program, and she is put in "kinship care" with a foster family member. The best part about a novel in verse is the short segments where a lot happens in relatively few words. This makes the material easier to take in for those who are learning to love reading and those learning English as a second language. It is also easier to pick up and put down for short bursts of reading time.
I want to take the chance to thank Sophie Saleh '31 for completing the R in the library sign in the foyer. Thanks Sophie!