
Art Spotlight: Exploring Identity Through Art

Each week, we present the morning announcements from the Marshall House boardroom, recording them via live feed for students to watch and listen to in their classrooms. As a backdrop for the video, we feature student artwork.

Having recently celebrated Black History Month, we are proud to showcase this large, expressive painting. Created by Gabby Thong '22, a graduate from the end of the pandemic, the piece is titled WHO AM I? This artwork is based on a local fabric print that Gabby came across one day as she was walking around a flea market during her Christmas break visiting her home in Trinidad.

The vibrancy of the colours and the intricacies of the design immediately captivated her. So much so, she purchased the fabric on the spot and brought it back to Canada with the intention of creating something meaningful.

Being home, surrounded by her culture, family, and friends, was an experience like no other. It reminded her of who she was and where she came from, which inspired her to ensure that feeling was reflected in her final artwork. She chose to use her own silhouette to signify this and then incorporate the design print in the form of a poncho over her body.

To make the piece more personal, instead of directly sticking on and using the original fabric, she decided to draw and paint the fabric pattern herself onto the large canvas, using the original material only as a guide. Resulting in a very powerful painting. Gabby completed her IB Visual Arts diploma at KES in 2022.

Karen Jones
Director, Arts

King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.