Celebrating our New Canadians: Cynthia and Sven’s Journey to Citizenship
In these challenging times, there is one thing of which we can be certain, this country became a better place on February 4, and again on February 12, when King’s-Edgehill Shool’s teachers Mrs. Cynthia Verryn-Stuart and Mr. Sven Dietrich became Canadian citizens.
Cynthia and Sven arrived in Canada from their native Germany and began their teaching careers in 2009 and 2018, respectively. They were each only supposed to stay a year, but they fell in love with every aspect of life in this country – the people, the lifestyle, and the King’s-Edgehill community. Luckily for all of us, they decided to stay and make their lives here. Cynthia married KES alumnus and teacher Mr. Jason Verryn-Stuart, then had two children who they cannot wait to fit for school uniforms in several years. Sven married Mrs. Kelly Fillman (Dietrich), and they are eagerly expecting their first child in June of this year.
Canada could not have asked for two better candidates for citizenship. Cynthia and Sven have jumped into everything our immediate and wider communities have to offer, from going above and beyond the call of duty as teachers, coaches, and all-round educators at our school, to volunteering in Windsor, to taking advantage of quintessential Nova Scotia experiences, like kayaking, disc golfing, and wilderness trekking.
We all cannot wait to see what the future will bring for our newest Canadians!