
Wizards and Wands

This week the Junior School competed for house points in our annual Wizards and Wands event. Teachers dawned their black gowns and hats, polished their wands, scoured their cauldrons and the games were underway.

Students competed in six events: defense against the dark arts, legilimency, divination, potions, levitation, and quidditch. Darts were hurled from practice wands, bubbles were held aloft by streams of air, quaffles were hooped, bludges were blocked, colourful potions were brewed, minds were read, and signs were guessed at. As one potions master noted, “an equal measure of friendship and friendly competition, produces a distillate on sunny afternoons that when properly titrated with a measure of youthful exuberance, produces …well … fun.” Regardless of the formula or its particular preparation, the Junior School had a wonderful afternoon of fun and games.

Eric Kershaw
Junior School Faculty

2023 Scholarship
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.